Q – When 47771 is operational again, where will it be based?

A – We have an offer of a home for our loco on the Chinnor & Princes Risborough Railway, and are very much looking forward to its arrival there.

Q – Do you have any plans for 47771 to operate on the main line?

A – We have no plans for main line operation in the foreseeable future. To get a preserved diesel loco certified for main line running is extremely expensive, and for it to be financially viable there has to be a guarantee of sufficient work to justify the enormous costs involved. Right now our main priority is to restore 47771 to preserved railway standards.

Q – Which livery, name and number will the loco carry when it is restored?

A – 47771 is currently in Rail express systems (Res) livery, which it has carried since its last overhaul and repaint at Doncaster in 1992. We intend to wait until it is operational before it gets a full repaint, and there will be a shareholders’ ballot to decide which will be its next livery / identity.  In the meantime the existing livery is being smartened up to make the loco look more presentable in the short term.

Q – I am a member of the Class 47 Preservation Project’s Facebook group. Can I take part in decisions relating to 47771?

A – Major decisions affecting the loco are taken by shareholders’ ballots. You need to own one or more shares to be able to take part in ballots, but at only £5.00 per share it’s easy to become a shareholder. Membership of our Facebook group is open to both shareholders and non-shareholders. Further information on becoming a shareholder can be found on the ‘About Us’ and ‘Contact Us’ Pages.

If you have a question, email us at class47preservation@yahoo.co.uk

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